Preserving our immigration history.


We provide general information on migration programs and on refugee and special movements of people to Canada post WWII particularly the Southeast Asian refugees.

This movement has been a major topic of CIHS work in recent years and there is a lot of information on our site.


Starting in the post-war period, we document some policy issues and many refugee movements to Canada – a reality that earned Canada the UNHCR Nansen Award in 1986.

Movements include Iranian Bahá’ís, Kosovars, Syrians, Tibetans and


Three retired senior immigration officials discuss their experiences in managing refugee matters. There is also a text on the 'designated category' used to admit people in refugee-like situations.


The Russian invasion of the Ukraine led to special immigration measures by Canada for Ukrainians.

Iranian Bahá’ís

There are two postings on this movement


Five thousand Kosvars came to Canada in 1999. This background video and an article from Pier 21 provide useful information.

Syrians A Bulletin article and a link to another site provide information on this more recent refugee movement.


A Bulletin article describes the outset of this movement

Ugandan Asians

Several postings give information on this 1972 movement of over 6000 Ugandan Asian refugees to Canada.

Special Movements

We have materials on various movements of people to Canada in refugee-like situation.

British Home Children

This movement started in the mid-1970s as described in this Bulletin article.


This movement started in the mid-1970s as described in this Bulletin article.

Foreign Operations
We provide information and some photos about visa offices and staff working overseas.