Preserving our immigration history.

Molloy Bursary

The CIHS Board proudly announces the establishment of the CIHS Molloy Bursary for undergraduate students in Canadian universities.  The goal of the Bursary is to provide financial support to students studying Canadian history, especially the history of immigration to this country.  Each year a $1,000 Bursary will be awarded to a deserving student studying in either official language.  We invite newcomers to Canada to apply.

The award is named for our past-president, Michael J. Molloy.  Under his leadership the CIHS expanded significantly its research potential. Mr. Molloy’s gift for forging community partnerships combined with a passion for the history of immigration to Canada to provide the perfect environment for more of our stories to be told.  The results can be seen in our CIHS Bulletin, available on this website, and in the publication, Running on Empty: Canada and the Indochinese Refugees, 1975-1980 (McGill-Queens University Press, 2017), as well as in our partnerships and conferences with the Hearts of Freedom Project, the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, the Indochinese and Ugandan Asian communities, and the Hungarian community’s Flight to Freedom conference.

Each applicant will be required to submit a 1000-word essay explaining why the Bursary is important to them and how they satisfy the eligibility criteria.  These criteria are:

  1. Engagement in the study of Canadian history (provide proof of courses taken and of current enrolment);
  2. Enrolment in a Canadian university in the second, third, or fourth year;
  3. Financial need;
  4. Proof of Canadian citizenship or Canadian permanent resident status;
  5. Participation in any extracurricular activities which demonstrate commitment to the study of Canadian history.


The application form is now posted and the deadline is midnight November 1, each year.

Donations to the Bursary Fund can be submitted by cheque addressed to the Canadian Immigration Historical Society by mail or by bank-to-bank INTERAC e-transfer using the email with CIHS as the payee. Please indicate that the funds are for the Bursary on the cheque or email.